Tuesday, April 22, 2014

#7 My career

Rite now I am currently working at a jack in the box on 17 st. and irvine. I just stared the job a couple weeks ago during spring break. Its an ok job for a young teen ager that is still in high school for the money. They are easy jobs because they know you not eligible for hard working jobs. I don't do much at my current job mostly cashier and cook but it gets really busy at times. The staff is really friendly and nice but everyone has their mood swings and bad days because of the customers attitude.

I would not like to stay and work at jack in the box for the rest of my life because i would like to get some where in life. I have always wanted to be a mechanic and dreamed about it. I have always known about mechanics and learned more stuff every other day. My dad has taught me about mechanics at a very early age when he would fix cars. I would like to go to golden west college for mechanics school its one of the schools that has the best auto tech program. I would like to own my own shop one day.